Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Finally, Some Fresh Air

Monday came and went like most other Mondays, but this time, I felt a little more motivated. I had a good workout on Saturday afternoon, from which my leg muscles were still a bit sore, but more importantly, I was motivated as I now had a goal to work towards.

Now that it stays light outside well after 5:00 pm, I should be able to squeeze a quick workout in before it gets too dark. So, yesterday after work, I laced up the sneakers and took a brisk 1 mile walk around the neighborhood. I wasn't going hard enough to break a sweat, but it wasn't just your casual pace as if you were walking through the mall. 1 mile. Big deal, right? Well, for me, it was. Not because of the distance, but because it set the foundation for my goal and I got my first mile under my belt. I guess it's more mental than physical. I probably should have stretched a bit afterwards, but I didn't. Wifey and I had to run out for a doctor's appointment, and I was crunched for time. For this "workout," I would give myself a 3/5...again, not because of the physical level, but for the mental breakthrough that I experienced. Good job, me!

As for my diet yesterday, I think I did pretty okay. Breakfast: 2 slices of toast with 100% all natural peanutbutter and a cup of coffee. Mid-morning snack consisted of a handful of thin pretzels. Lunch, a leftover slice of pizza and a slice of beer bread (yeah, I know...carbs, carbs, carbs). Dinner consisted of lemon garlic chicken breast with a side of pasta, as well as a small dinner roll. I realize I probably had too many carbs yesterday and not enough protein. On the bright side, I did drink 3 glasses of water. I would rate my diet a 3/5 yesterday.

Overall, Monday was a 6/10 day. Slightly better than average, but not exactly "good."

229 days to go.

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