Monday, February 1, 2010

Weekend Review

Well, not 10 minutes after I posted my blurb on Saturday afternoon about taking it slow, it started to snow outside. My intention for Saturday afternoon was to get a nice walk in, just to start my program and to lay a foundation. The snow came down heavy and fast and within 30 minutes, it looked like a blizzard outside. We ended up getting about 3 inches, which is not exactly the storm of the century, but it was enough to keep my ass inside. Between 3 inches of snow and 19 degree weather, I didn't think this was the most ideal day to go for a walk. Excuses, I know. But that doesn't mean that I didn't get some exercise into my day. I actually did a 50 minute medicine ball workout. As I said in an earlier post, done properly, a medicine ball workout will kick your ass and leave you sore in parts of your body where you didn't know you had muscles. There are so many different types of exercises you can do with a medicine ball. If you're interested in learning about more, I would suggest you simply go to YouTube and search for "medicine ball workouts." The options are limited only by your imagination. Now, I know that many people think you can't really get in a good workout without going to a gym, but I disagree. After my 50 minute routine, I was drenched in sweat. I tried to incorporate exercises that would hit all of the major muscle groups of my body, and judging by how I felt on Sunday afternoon, I think I hit bullseye. So for my workout on Saturday, I would rate myself a 3/5.

As for my nutrition on Saturday... I woke up, had a cinnamon bagel (nothing on it) and a cup of coffee. Lunch rolled around and I stole one of my wife's Lean Cuisine's out of the freezer. It was a "savory" chicken parm dish....'nuff said. In the middle of the afternoon, my wife came home with a box of Thin Mint Girl Scout Cookies. My wife knows my weakness is chocolate. I broke down and had 4 Thin Mints. Dinner time; the wife was out and I was left on my own to eat something. I wasn't particularly hungry, and we hadn't gone grocery shopping for the week, and with the roads being snow covered and the 19 degree temperature, I put my creative kitchen skills together and whipped up a kick-ass BLT sandwich. I forgot how much I love bacon. Hey, it is a protein, right? As for my nutrition on Saturday, I would give myself a 3/5. Overall, Saturday was a 6/10 day.

Sunday. Oh, Bloody Sunday. I guess going forward, I should just declare that Sundays will be my off-days. Let me explain. It was another fine 15 degree day, which means the snow didn't melt and the roads and sidewalks were iced over. Once again, not an ideal day for outdoor exercise. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to squeeze much of anything into this day. We had a little family function/party which was an hour away, and we left quite early and returned quite late. Naturally, this little party wasn't filled with lean proteins and greens. Nope. But there was, however, plenty of meatball sandwiches, various chips and dips, donuts, cakes, ice cream, and whatever else you shouldn't eat. I surprised myself though. I actually passed on all of the junk completely...not one chip, not one donut. I did manage to wolf down two meatball sandwiches, for a total of 6 meatballs, but I think it's better than eating a slice of cake or 2 donuts or whatever. Since I didn't eat breakfast, I could justify the two sandwiches. As for dinner, it was 2 slices of a frozen pizza. And after watching the Grammy's, I treated myself to a bowl of ice was my off-day, right? Exercise for Sunday; 0/5. Nutrition for Sunday; 1/5. Sunday was a 1/10 day, but screw it. I needed a break from this gut-wrenching regime I've been following.

Overall, not a very productive weekend and certainly not how I intended to start this little half marathon project.

230 days to go.

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